Last post.

Hallo, I transferred to tumblr, follow me on


I love spending the weekend away from the drama at sixth form (which transfers to Ritz on Saturdays).

So far I've managed to save up 12euros (I can't find the symbol on my keyboard)
And I've been smoke-free for four days. :D (might consider starting again)

But screw dieting, I'm perfectly comfortable in my own body, along with some of its wobbly bits yes! Dieting will come along alone.
I gave up exercising as well, I'm so lazy at times. :|

Will put up a good post in a few days. I can't be bothered right now.


I don't get it. Today, I had my first exam at sixth form. I was quite calm, as usual. Then I entered the canteen, you could almost see sweat patches under everyone's armpits, everyone had dark circles beneath their eyes, everyone was flicking through papers and stressing out. And these so stressed out people are the people who study the most. Blah.

I need to go study for my applied mathematics exam.
So I can sweat and stress and cry.

On a side note, illejla ha nfattruha.

meet red without his mop.

sometimes happiness gets drunk

You can all go fuck yourselves
You so-called tortured souls
But I'll cover your ears so you won't hear the screams and moans
If I could I'd just throw the earth into the sun
But I'd cover your eyes until my hand melted off

And I don't want a funeral
'Cause I don't like people looking at me
And I don't want to get married
'Cause I don't want someone touching me
I'm fine
I really want to die
Tonight I really want to die
But don't worry
No don't worry
I won't hurt me

The Ropes.

If I were a boy.

No Beyoncé, I don't think I'd understand how it feels to love a girl, and I wouldn't swear I'd be a better man, and I definitely wouldn't listen to her.

Instead, I'd be one of the cool guys. It's not fair, women can't be cool and hip the way men can. Girls just need to have big boobs. That's stupid, really. Men can play COD. If a girl plays COD she's a disgrace to females all around - and in the eyes of me, she's one of them (they're oblivious to the pair of buns you have jiggling beneath them). They get to count all the lays they had, they get to actually have a lot of lays without being called whores. Maybe I don't have my priorities set right, I don't know - but to me, that's appealing.

To me, men are cool and generally, women are nagging, controlling idiots.

Oh well, might as well start using a strap on!
I'm already thinking about getting Facebook back, I need to criticise something, badly.


As I have nothing else to do, I decided to rate you readers.

On a scale of one to ten:
  • I give a ten to Red. For reasons unknown. :P
  • A ten to Andii, for being awesome.
  • A nine to Robert, for not yet figuring out how to accept the invite to read this blog. :P
  • A nine to Shaun, for having a Jew-fro.
  • An eight to Marie Claire, for her continuously updated blog, and for her courage to spend a year in Germany. (I admire her so much for that)
  • A seven to Fabian, for interesting himself in my blog, and for getting on with my pervy sick jokes.
  • aaaand, last but not least. A seven to Nathan for having such an awesome blog himself and for sharing my same thoughts. (Assuming that what's written on his blog is true.)
Thanks my dear readers, I will keep you updated.

If you're not happy with your ratings, I'll be more than eager to have a one-on-one session to receive your complaints. :G